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1x9 - Mysterious Girlfriend X

Mysterious "Somewhat, A Little"

Poster della serie Mysterious Girlfriend X

Noticing Mikoto with a serious case of bedhead, Ayuko fixes her up with a new hairstyle. Mikoto soon gets a lot of attention for her new hairstyle, which makes Akira a bit jealous. As they go home, Akira convinces Mikoto to go back to her old hairstyle and messes up her hair on her request. The next day, as Ayuko calls her out on it, Mikoto shows her the feeling of having her hair messed up, which she comes to enjoy. Meanwhile, as Akira gets frustrated when one of the male students starts selling photos of Mikoto's alternate hairstyle, he learns of an idol named Momoko Imai who has a strong likeness to Mikoto. Akira soon impulsively buys Momoko's photobook and enjoys looking at it. As Mikoto hears about it from Ayuko, who heard about it from Kouhei, she demands Akira to bring the book to her and destroys it, saying he doesn't need it when he's got the real deal.

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3 Giugno 2012
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