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1x9 - Punch Line

Brazilian High Kick

Poster della serie Punch Line

After getting her medication, Yūta reveals his identity as Pine to Mikatan, who is revealed to be Chiyoko's soul inhabiting Giroko's body. Mikatan explains how, after she ended up switching bodies, she was looked after by Ishigata, the man who helped everyone escape from Über Labs, who was later killed by lab members searching for her. The next day, Yūta speaks with various scientists, who contradict Gliese's claims about being able to destroy the meteor with nuclear weapons, leading him to suspect Gliese is lying about his identity. Afterwards, Yūta speaks with Meika about Mikatan's worsening condition, asking her to do a physical check-up on her. The next day, December 27, Chiranosuke urges Yūta not to change the days events that would lead to the group fighting and making up with each other, but he decides against it and confronts Gliese Gliese reveals himself to be one of the leaders of the Qmay group who devised a scheme to to use Rabura to coerce Meika into hacking into a satellite to change the meteor's trajectory towards Earth. Hitting Yūta with an anesthetic, Gliese attacks using Über-fy powers, revealing himself to be Guriko, the one now possessing Pine's body.

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5 Giugno 2015
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