Pagina dell'episodio'

1x9 - Line Walker

Episode 9

Poster della serie Line Walker

KA-KEUNG is beaten up by the gangsters fiercely and he believes that they are FOON-HEI's subordinates. KA-KEUNG and SIU-KA go to question FOON-HEI but FOON-HEI's subordinates try to make things difficult. SIN-CHING is beaten up by her husband WING-KUEN regularly but she tries to be forbearing all the time. In order to help SIN-CHING, CHEUK HOI becomes the instructor of her interest class. He follows SIN-CHING home secretly and discovers that she is beaten up by WING-KUEN again. SHIU-LEUNG and SIN-YAN start making preparations for their wedding. HO-KAN is heartbroken and he decides to stop working as an undercover officer. FOON-HEI wants to get involved in Hong Kong's drug market but the drug trafficker is not cooperative. FOON-HEI asks KA-KEUNG to steal the drugs from the drug trafficker's kennel. SIU-KA follows KA-KEUNG secretly and she meets HO-KAN. KA-KEUNG and SIU-KA are pretending to be lovers only.… ...

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4 Settembre 2014
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