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1x9 - Stargate Infinity

Who Are You?

Poster della serie Stargate Infinity

Right after arriving on a new world Draga gets a sense that something is watching them. Harrison finds a Mayan temple and returns to report he found the T'ak'khan and a captive human prisoner. However, Seattle and Stacey become suspicious when Harrison acts differently. Gus decides to launch a solo rescue and finds the prisoner is Captain Arnold Grimes - then he gets captured and is thrown in the cell with the real Harrison - they discover a race of shapeshifters who are reluctantly helping the Tlak'khan. Gus puts the pieces together and realizes how he was framed, then engineer an escape while the shapeshifters/Gus & Harrison lead the others into a trap. They escape and go rescue the team from a battle with the shapeshifters, seeing through the fakes. They are about to leave with Grimes when Draga says that she still senses a presence. Gus told everyone to whisper their suspicions in his ear so that he could find out who it was. The only person who accused someone else was Grimes - f

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9 Novembre 2002
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