Pagina dell'episodio'

11x175 - The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Jim Carrey, Nick Cannon

Poster della serie The Ellen DeGeneres Show

One of Hollywood's funniest leading men, JIM CARREY is here! From his start on "In Living Color" through his astounding list of film credits, including "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective," "The Mask," "Dumb and Dumber" and "The Truman Show," he's proven to be one of the greatest and most versatile comedic minds of our time. To prove it, he's taken on the literary world by writing a children's book! He's telling Ellen all about it, and catching up on his next move to the big screen! Then, he's an actor, comedian, rapper, television host, designer and so much more! Mariah Carey's handsome husband NICK CANNON is in the building! He's catching up with his friend Ellen on his two young twins, his stunning tie collection, and to perform his song, "Me Sexy"! Speaking of incredible performances, you're about to be blown away! CHRISTINA BIANCO's video of her vocal impersonations of 19 of some of the most iconic singers in the world has been viewed over 6 million times to date! Her star continues to rise, and she's here to show off her astounding talent today! Plus, Ellen's got the adorable and hilarious ELLIE KEMPER as her guest DJ! There's something for everyone today on Ellen.

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9 Giugno 2014
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