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11x4 - The Amazing Race

No Babies on the Race!

Poster della serie The Amazing Race

Eight All-Stars teams take off from their Pit Stop at the Playa Petrohue and receive a clue instructing them to fly 800 miles to Punta Arenas, Chile and then take taxi fifteen miles to Lord Lansdale's shipwreck. The teams arrive on two flights and take part in a Detour, where lack of attention-to-detail allows teams on a later flight to catch up to teams that had gained a lead. One team experiences a near-meltdown during the Detour, but regroups and rallies by switching tasks. Meanwhile, a previous top team finds itself falling behind. The teams take two charter flights leaving three hours apart and find themselves faced with a Roadblock that requires one member of each team to sort through mail. As reward, each team receives a message from a past team, some negative and some positive. One team lies to another, hoping to gain an advantage. This team, however, is ultimately unable to recover from falling behind and is eliminated from the race.

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11 Marzo 2007
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