Pagina dell'episodio'

12x6 - House Hunters International

Les and Anita are Looking for a Vacation Home on Roatan Island in Honduras to Escape Vancouver Island's Cold Winters

Poster della serie House Hunters International

Les and Anita (50's) are looking for a vacation home where they can escape Vancouver Island's cold winters and enjoy some tropical sunshine. They've fallen in love with Roatan, a small island off the coast of Honduras, so they've decided to purchase a home so they can spend several months there at a time rather than a week or two. Their daughter Kelsey and her fiance Dan are avid divers, so they're thrilled about the decision. Les and Anita are looking for a move-in ready 3 bedroom home that's large enough for the entire family and they really want a place that's close to the beach, has an ocean view and has room for a garden. Their budget is 300 thousand US dollars and they've enlisted Robert Sirois, a local realtor to assist them in their search. They've also created their own checklist to help rate each property and help them with their decision.

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31 Gennaio 2010
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