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12x9 - House Hunters International

Kevin and Kim Want a 2nd Home in Fes Morocco to Use as a Base for Humanitarian Aid

Poster della serie House Hunters International

Kevin and Kim Dooley (40's) live with their 4 kids, Taylor, Tucker, Callahan and Annabel in the small town of Avon, Indiana. For the past 10 years the family has been involved with peace initiatives in the ancient city of Fes, Morocco. They're currently teaching Moroccan women how to make a living by using scraps of fabric to make purses. Since the family is visiting Morocco more and more frequently, Kevin and Kim want to buy a 2nd home there. They want a place with a rooftop terrace, a decent kitchen, 3 or 4 bedrooms and western style bathrooms. They have a budget of $250,000, and Kim is hoping to find something move-in ready while Kevin thinks it would be fun to buy a rundown place he can fix-up himself. Kevin is going alone to search for a home, so Kim can stay behind with the kids who are in the middle of the school year.

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6 Gennaio 2010
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