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2x1 - The Wine Show

Episode 1

Poster della serie The Wine Show

In the first show in the new series of The Wine Show, Matthew Goode welcomes new face James Purefoy to their beautiful new villa in France. Together they are tasked with putting together a case of wine to match a six-course lunch made by Michelin starred French chef Stéphane Reynaud. Judging which wine goes in the case, is the world’s most influential wine critic Jancis Robinson. This week it’s pre-lunch snacks they have to match and they head to Provence for rosé wine in the charming town of Cotignac. Joe Fattorini is off on his travels too. He’s with comedian Gina Yashere in Santa Barbara learning how a cup of coffee can predict what kind of wine you might like. As Joe tries to convince Gina he will find a wine for her sensitive palate, she reveals a surprise of her own for Joe. Back in the UK, Matthew Rhys is in glamorous and historic London St James’s on his quest to find gadgets old and new.

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12 Gennaio 2018
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