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2x1 - V.I.P.

Return of The Owl

Poster della serie V.I.P.

Tasha goes to meet a man but he shows up dead. She checks his pockets and finds a microchip in a little plastic bag. Kay cracks it open to discover that it's in Russian. According to Tasha it's a list of Tregoran sleeper spies. Tregoran was a scientist who would brainwash ordinary people and turn them into unwilling assassins who could be activated by a codeword or phrase. Tasha then goes to a museum to meet up with her ex-husband, a man known only as The Owl, to see if he can help her. As they leave two men attack them but are soon defeated. Val, Nikki and Quick show up and Tasha informs them that she's on the list of Tregoran sleeper spies. They decide to take Tasha off active duty because the wrong word or phrase can set her off. They have to monitor her every move. A man calls to meet with Tasha but they decide to send Val undercover posing as Tasha to meet with them. The men tell Val the codeword thinking it will set her off but since she isn't Tasha it doesn't. Her cover being bl

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25 Settembre 1999
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