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2x1 - Revolutionary Girl Utena

The Boys Of The Black Rose

Poster della serie Revolutionary Girl Utena

Utena never knew that Anthy meets her brother Akio, every Saturday night --- nor did she even know that she has a brother. Anthy lets Utena meet Akio. Akio has been engaged to Ohtori Kanae whose father is the chairman of the board of trustees of Ohtori Academy. Her father is deseased, so Akio is doing the acting chairman. In advance, Anthy has asked Utena to keep secret from Akio about everything about the duel stuff. Mikage Souji is a twelfth grader who orginizes Mikage Seminar, aka the Black Rose Association. He is such a genius that he even writes papers for professors. The building of Mikage's office is called Nemuro Memorial Hall, where it is said that one hundred boys were buried alive long ago. Chida Mamiya has a right to become the Rose Bride. Mikage says he will do whatever it takes to make Mamiya the Rose Bride, and will obtain the Power of Dios and the eternal secret. Mikage says the Ends of the World admited Mikage and Mamiya. They say they need a duelist good enough to beat Utena. In the elevator of Nemuro Memorial Hall, Kanae confesses she is suffering. She can't get along with Anthy no matter how hard she tries. Taking advantage of that, Mikage makes her a Black Rose Duelist.

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2 Luglio 1997
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