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2x1 - Superboy

With This Ring, I Thee Kill

Poster della serie Superboy

Lex Luthor is back and he has a new face. Warren Eckworth, owner of Eckworth Industries, has created a new weapon: the Superboy gun. Luthor sabotages the weapon and uses it on the boy of steel. It only stuns Superboy, however. So Luthor takes the next step in his plan. He assumes the appearance of Warren Eckworth through plastic surgery and kills the real Eckworth, taking his place. He orders the power on the Superboy gun increased by 50%. Later, he picks up Lana promising her an interview. When he gets her back to Eckworth Industries, he reveals his true identity and his intent to marry Lana. He forces her to put on a wedding dress and drags her to an abandoned prison for the ceremony. But he allows her to make a phone call to Clark & Andy McCalister's dorm room, assuring that Superboy will show up. After the ceremony is almost completed, Superboy arrives and Luthor unleashes the Superboy gun's full force on the boy of steel. Superboy is paralyzed.

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7 Ottobre 1989
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