Pagina dell'episodio'

2x1 - The Littl' Bits

Storm Baby

Poster della serie The Littl' Bits

While crossing a bridge Willibit and Lillibit meet up with Granny Birtha the town mid-wife. Willibit and Lillibit each ask her about the time when they were born. She is able to Willibit about his birth, but cannot tell Lillibit about hers. She says to Lillibit to ask her uncle. This bothers Lillibit and she decides to ask her uncle, Dr. Snoozabit about her mother. All she knows is that her mother is dead, but she also wants to know how her mother died. Not really wanting to discuss the topic, Dr. Snoozabit finally gives in and tells Lillibit about the time her first came upon her and her mother. Back then she was a tiny baby and her mother had been wounded protecting her. He tells about how he tried to help Lillibit's mother, but to know avail. She died. Lillibit asks if her uncle knows anymore about her family. He says that everyone including her father died after she was born. Lillibit is depressed at this, but Snoozabit tells her that her mother did love her. The nex

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31 Luglio 1991
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