Pagina dell'episodio'

2x10 - The Littl' Bits


Poster della serie The Littl' Bits

Lillibit is playing with her friends, well at least trying to. You see Snuffly the flying squirrle wants to be a part of the fun too so he just keeps getting in Lillibit's way and Lillibit gets mad at him for it. Later on when Lillibit can't find Snuffly she and Willibit ask her uncle Dr. Snoozabit to help them. After being told what happened Snoozabit tells Lillibit that she needs to apologize to Snuffly and respect his as well as all the animals' of the forest feelings. Snoozabit then asks if the kids were playing on the far-side of the forest when they last saw Snuffly. Willibit confirms this and then asks why the information is so important. Dr. Snoozabit claims that the far-side of the forest is where Snuffly originally came from. Lillibit begs her uncle to help her and Willibit look for the squirrle, at first he says he thinks that it would be too risky to go back to the far-side of the forest. (He got lost the first time he went when he first met Snuffly). However Lillibit

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2 Ottobre 1991
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