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2x10 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Top of the (Trash) Heap:Al D.

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Al is a sanitation chief,with a girlfriend named Sandra and an apartment with a great view.However,Al's apartment is full of junk and he has few pieces of casual wear.The event tonight is a cocktail party.Carson gives a lesson in suit anatomy,and gets some things so Al can be dressy yet casual.Jai takes Al to a etiquette teacher.Kyan brings Al to a gym where they do a ""full throttle"" workout.Later Kyan teaches Al how to give a foot massage(Sandra's a flight attendant).Ted takes Al to a restaurant where they special in cheese,Al is told about cheese and wine tasting.Before going home Ted takes Al back to an old sanitation plant to see what Al's world is like.Back at Al's Ted gives him a review.Thom gets Al space saving furniture and does the apartment in a ski lodge theme,and as a special treat Thom gets high thread count sheets.The prep is brief,Sandra is speechless and Al is a perfect host.

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3 Agosto 2004
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