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2x11 - The Big Valley

The Iron Box

Poster della serie The Big Valley

While in a strange town, Heath and Nick buy a bull from a man who turns around and has them arrested for stealing it. The sherrif catches up to them while they sit around their campfire, and a fight ensues in which Heath badly burns his leg in the fire. The crooked sheriff takes them to a road gang prison to await trail. . .in a few months!! The cruel warden refuses to allow Heath a doctor and makes him work alongside the others. They soon find out the real reason that innocent drifters are arrested and imprisoned, free work labour for the man whom the Barkley brothers had bought the bull from. Meanwhile, at home Jarrod has found out what has happened to his brothers and heads out after them. Arriving at the prison he demands to see them and when the warden refuses he threatens him with legal action if he is not allowed to see his clients. After he speaks with them he rides off to find the circuit judge. Getting scared that the truth will come out now that he realizes who he's dealing

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28 Novembre 1966
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