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2x13 - My Name is Farah

Second Chance

Poster della serie My Name is Farah

Farah, who receives the footage from Behnam, tells Bade and Gönül that there is no evidence connecting them to the murder and that she will protect them by destroying the footage. Unable to remain silent any longer, Bade announces that Tahir cooperated with the police and took responsibility for the murder to protect Farah. Farah takes action to prevent Tahir from sacrificing himself. Mehmet, on the other hand, appears before Bade to find out the reason why she rejected the marriage proposal. Having learned the whole truth from Bade, Mehmet now knows that his brother's only purpose is to protect his family. Mehmet regrets his behavior towards his brother. Farah asks Mehmet to stop Tahir from taking the blame. On the other hand, Tahir, Mehmet and Salim make a risky plan to reveal manager Orhan's boss. Both Farah and Tahir, who are unaware of his moves, are sure that they will end up in jail as a result of this operation. However, a shocking event shatters everyone, especially Farah.

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30 Dicembre 2023
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