Pagina dell'episodio'

2x13 - Touched by an Angel

'Til We Meet Again

Poster della serie Touched by an Angel

The Carpenter family gathers as their father, Joe prepares to die at home. Although grown, the siblings demonstrating the roles they become accustomed to. Kate, the eldest, takes charge like their mother, Elizabeth but is not quite as overbearing. Chris, the middle child, stuns his sisters with the news that he is estranged from his wife. And Kim, the youngest, is the creative one who never seemed to fit in with the rest of the family. Monica and Tess, as the home-care nurse and interior decorator, get caught in the crossfire as Chris and Kim resist Kate's domineering behaviour. The angel's mission is to help expose a family secret before Joe dies. Andrew informs Monica and Tess that time is rappidly approaching. Amidst a heated argument, Kate exposes the secret, Kim is not Joe's biological father. Upon returning from a brief trip, Elizabeth convenes a family meeting to discuss the matter. Years ago, she had a torrid affair with her husband's business partner. Joe forgave hi

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13 Gennaio 1996
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