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2x13 - The Littl' Bits

Awful, Awful Days

Poster della serie The Littl' Bits

Strange weather is plauging Foothill Forest. When the village suffers a few small tremors and a small earth quake they then feel they are safe. Grumpabit knows differently though. He has been digging a cave in the mountains because his father told him that a massive earthquake would occur in Foothill Forest and that the small tremors were a precursor to the big earthquake. Grumpabit warns the villagers and soon everyone is rushing out of the village end heading up to Grumpabit's cave for saftey. All the people of the village waits out the earthquake in utter horror for there lives hoping that the cave Grumpabit has made holds out. The cave does hold out and everyone survives the big quake. However the village itself has been devestated and the villagers must decide weathe to leave Foothill Forest or stay. Pointing to an old monument made by the bits ancestors, Teeneybit says that it would sadden their ancestors if the present day bits just left the village that they had lived in

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23 Ottobre 1991
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