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2x18 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

The Brady Bunch Does Christmas:Richard M.

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Richard and his lovely wife Megan have been together for 3 years.They have 5 kids,and loads of Christmas traditions.However their holiday happiness has a couple hitches: each half of the family have their own ways and they don't like sharing them.The decoration budget is limited and has caused only 1 room of the house to be sightly cheerful,also certain decorations are old and not very eye appealing, and Richard's traditional breakfast although tasty doesn't have a lot of panache. To make sure they cover everything the Fab 5 are staying over!Also the event is a holiday brunch for friends and family.When they arrive the kids are shy until Jai shows them their practice Christmas tree.Yes,practice Christmas tree (to test their decorating skills). After the house is decorated,the fab 5 shake their heads and get to work.Carson gets the kids matching PJ's and some formal wear for church and what not.Richard and Megan each get a new outfit too.Jai helps the kids create a play for the brunch a

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7 Dicembre 2004
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