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2x18 - Night Man

The Enemy Within

Poster della serie Night Man

After Raleigh has a nightmare in which Kieren Keyes' Ultraweb causes the destruction of The House of Soul, a real nightmare occurs when the fulltime singer, Jasmine, is electrocuted during a performance by what appears to be a shorted wire in her microphone. Johnny is almost certain Keyes is trying to get a singer inside the club to keep tabs. When time-to-time singer Crystal shows up to offer herself as a sub during Jasmine's recovery, suspicion arises as to if perhaps a past singer, who wants to have a full time gig at The House of Soul, was hired out by Keyes to carry out the sabatoge. Briony, Johnny and Raleigh recall past singers and events surrounding them, hoping to piece together a suspect. When things get nearly hopeless, Jasmine return to The House of Soul, but acting differently. Raleigh discovers she's really Keyes' henchwoman, Ally, who has used Ultraweb technology to disguise herself as Jasmine. As Nightman, Johnny captures ""Jasmine"" and fends off Keyes' goons when they b

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25 Aprile 1999
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