Pagina dell'episodio'

2x2 - Clean Sweep

Everyday is Like Christmas

Poster della serie Clean Sweep

""If every day could be Christmas."" It's a sweet sentiment, but not when Christmas memorabilia is taking over your home. That, old books, furniture, tools and more have taken over Daphne and Steven Duncans' living room and dining room. They've been married ten years and have three kids - Stephanie, Jade and Joshua. They've been so busy and things have gotten so cluttered that it's simply overwhelmed them - until now. Peter goes through and shows them that they can get along without most of the things that have been in their rooms. When he's done, they're able to sell almost all of it in a Christmas-themed yard sale. Meanwhile, Molly has grand plans to go along with some of the grand furniture they've purchase. The dining room features an elegant table, lighting, and pictures from their wedding. The living room is given a Moroccan theme with beautiful curtains, an l-shaped sofa and quasi-library.

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24 Luglio 2004
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