Pagina dell'episodio'

2x2 - Honey and Clover

Unable to Say What You Want

Poster della serie Honey and Clover

Hagu starts hiccuping and Shūji helps her stop, using a technique, but fails. However, Morita shows up, causing her to repeatedly and rapidly hiccup a lot. Takemoto arrives to help her, using another technique, and Hagu's hiccups stop. Yamada turns in a project to Professor Shōda, which delighted him. Yamada and Rika then celebrate for completing the project. Mayama, showing hospitality, allows Yamada and Rika to spend the night. The next morning, Kaoru meets up with Morita. Kaoru isn't satisfied to see Morita at the art school, even though Morita enjoys being there. Shūji explains to Yamada that Rika talks less to people she like, giving examples of Mayama and himself. As Rika tells Yamada that she should work full-time in pottery, Rika begins to hiccup. She tries using Shūji's technique, but fails. Later on, Mayama shows her another technique, stopping her hiccups. Mayama, Yamada, Rika have dinner together. Yamada tries to take her mind off of her love for Mayama.

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6 Luglio 2006
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