Pagina dell'episodio'

2x23 - Yu Yu Hakusho

The Cape of No Return

Poster della serie Yu Yu Hakusho

Kuwabara starts his battle against Shishiwakamaru. It's a duel between a sword of energy and a sword of steel.shishi is obviously the more skillful of the two. They battle on and on until Shishi unleashes one of his two special items known as the Cape of No Return. Shishi throws the cape at Kuwabara and it surrounds him. He falls through a dimensional portal into the ring that was used before the semi-finals. He finds Botan, Kayko, Yukina, and his sister there; lost. He leads them to the new ring. Meanwhile, they roll the dice again to decide the fight. It comes up on a free space for Team Uratogi, and the Masked Fighter for Team Urameshi. Hiei is prepared to take her place when she magically shows up behind him and stops him. Shishi is curious about the identity, and cuts the mask. Shishi tries to get them disqualified by saying that they're using the mask to sneak in fighters. But Toguro steps in and the comittee finds nothing wrong. A new chapter in the semi-finals is set to begin.

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18 Settembre 1993
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