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2x24 - Star Blazers

Desslok's Turning

Poster della serie Star Blazers

Although badly wounded and bleeding, Wildstar confronts Desslok on his ship. Desslok prepares for a duel, but Wildstar collapses from the loss of blood before he can fire. Having followed Wildstar, Nova rushes to his side, confessing her love for him and for the Earth. Realizing that Nova and Wildstar love Earth as much as he loves Gamilon, Desslok lowers his weapon, giving them a piece of advice as he leaves: the Star Force attacked Gamilon at its weakest point, from underneath. He suggests they attack the Comet Empire the same way. Wildstar learns of Venture's fate and briefly mourns the loss, then finds out about the Earth's decision. Since the Comet Empire is in the water, Wildstar decides to submerge and attack it from below, using the suggestion from both Desslok and Gideon. However, the Argo only has torpedoes, as the attack on Desslok's ship rendered the main guns and the Wave Motion Gun unusable. Meanwhile, in space, Trelaina recovers Venture's body and discovers he is unconscious, but just barely alive. A surrender party launches from Earth to meet the Comet Empire. Wildstar sends a message to the surrender party advising them of the Argo's attack and to clear the area around the Empire.

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24 Marzo 1979
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