Pagina dell'episodio'

2x24 - Undressed

Episode 224

Poster della serie Undressed

Annika/Mark/Elliot written by Kate Rosen, directed by George Verschoor Annika and Mindy drops in when Mark and Elliot are talking in the bathroom. She gets an idea for an experiment, to see how far guys will go to compete with each other. She set up dates with both guys. Laura/Clyde written by Jennifer Johnson, directed by George Verschoor Laura returns to a sleeping Clyde and Audrey. Audrey leaves, and Laura is anxious about the results, that will be announced later on durning the day. Denise comes over, and hits on Clyde, which does not please Laura. Denise kisses Clyde and leaves. Meanwhile, Laura leaves for the school to find out the results. She returns home, to find Clyde with all these signs saying ""Laura is the winner"", ""Laura Rules"", etc. Clyde tells Laura that if he didn't miss school today, he would of vote for her. This upsets her, and she tells him that it was her goal to be president. She is really upset at Clyde because she lost by one vote. ""Friends & Lovers""

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21 Marzo 2000
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