Pagina dell'episodio'

2x3 - Sharpe

Sharpe's Honour

Poster della serie Sharpe

1813 - A grieving Sharpe is challenged to a duel by a Spanish Marques who demands an apology for having forced his attentions on his wife. Dumbfounded, Sharpe protests that he has never met La Marquesa and is innocent of any wrongdoing. Sharpe refuses to apologise and the duel goes ahead. Just as Sharpe holds his sword against the Marques' throat, the duel is stopped by Nairn who insists that there was no duel - just friendly sword practice. Later that night, the Marques is murdered and the following day, Sharpe is arrested for his murder. Witnesses testify that Sharpe was the murderer and he is sentenced to death.However things are not what they seem. In the middle of the night, Harper is reunited with Sharpe and they are given the task of capturing the beautiful La Marquesa so that the British can discover the French's next move.

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8 Giugno 1994
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