Pagina dell'episodio'

2x35 - Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Berg Katse's Legacy

Poster della serie Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Joe saves the son of Kaiser from an approaching car and becomes his friend. Together they play soccer while Kaiser draws Joe. But Kaiser is a former Galactor member and the only one who can handle a weapon Berg Katse has left behind. It's a weapon called Mechavolton which was built to destroy the greatest obstacle for Galactor's highflying ambitions, the Firebird. Kaiser, a.k.a. No. A-7, was thought to have died in the battle of Cross Karakorum and has led a peaceful life since then. But when Galactor threatens to kill his wife and son, he works together with them again. As a diversion, the Iron Bat attacks a city. The God Phoenix goes out to attack the Bat, but is wrapped in ice through a freezer gas. With the help of the Firebird they escape from the predicament for a short while and destroy the Iron Bat, but when Kaiser fires the Mechavolton, they are finally shot down. The Science Ninja Team escapes by a hair's breadth and invades the enemy base. But Kaiser blocks their way.

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27 Maggio 1979
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