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2x39 - Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Crimson Condor

Poster della serie Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Nuclear experiments have taken place in the Straits of Gibraltar. The experiments are for the development of a new energy by Galactor. Nambu sends the Science Ninja Team to that spot. But, the God Phoenix is caught in another nuclear explosion and disappears. Joe had previously left by himself in the G-2 to investigate, and the shock of the explosion causes him to lose energy. He sneaks into territory under Galactor control. Gel Sadra puts a reward on his head and does everything within her power to find Joe. A gypsy, Chinita, who has experienced Galactor's cruelty before, shelters Joe so he can overcome the difficult situation. Chinita's lover is jealous and threatens Joe. In an attempt to kill Joe, he hurts Chinita. Joe takes care of her. However, the lover alerts Galactor and Chinita is caught. Based on a clue left by Chinita, Joe finds the Galactor base. Elsewhere, in the sea near North Africa, G-Town has come to collect the sunken God Phoenix.

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24 Giugno 1979
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