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2x4 - Real Chance of Love

Yeti Set Go

Poster della serie Real Chance of Love

After elimination, Blonde Baller gets a call from one of her friend that her best friend died in Michigan, which Junk found very suspicious. The girls' next challenge is to find Big Foot and bring him back, with the winners getting a date with the boys. But little do the girls know that Big Foot is actually the boys' brother Micah. The Pink Team won the challenge with Blonde Baller tackling the Yeti. Baker and Doll had a date up in Real and Chance's bedroom, having a foot psychic reading. Both girls were able to open up to the boys about their insecurities. The next morning, Apple made Real breakfast, but he still has some concern about Apple fitting into his lifestyle. That day, Real and Chance took PS, Blonde Baller, and Junk to the zoo. Both Junk and Blonde Baller got into an argument. When Real asked if Sassy is a good fit for him as a question to Junk's peeping, PS mocks her. Blonde Baller tells Sassy, but starts another argument with Junk right after. During elimination, it was down to Apple and Sassy for Real and Junk and Blonde Baller for Chance. Real eliminated Apple, but Chance doesn't eliminate either girl.

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24 Agosto 2009
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