Pagina dell'episodio'

2x4 - Smallville: Chloe Chronicles

Chronicle 8

Poster della serie Smallville: Chloe Chronicles

Dr. Donovan Jamison, CEO of NuCorp (see Video Three above), has been indicted on charges of corporate treason. His secretary Rebecca Jones is suspected of fabricating the charges, but Jamison believes that someone else put her up to it. The board asked him to resign from NuCorp, and Jamison pled guilty to lesser charges. He lost his pension and hasn't been seen since. Next, Chloe goes to see Rebecca Jones. She's been promoted to vice president of operations at NuCorp in Dr. Jamison's absence. Her door is adorned with the mysterious green logo seen in Video One. Ms. Jones is not eager to speak with her, but Chloe has discovered that Ms. Jones was awarded the Sarah Strossberg scholarship for excellence in journalism at Metropolis University at about the same time she was working for Donovon Jamison. Ms. Jones states that Jamison told her that he admired Sarah's articles. They became friends when he was teaching at Metropolis University.

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5 Maggio 2004
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