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2x5 - My Name is Farah

This is Turkey!

Poster della serie My Name is Farah

Determined to rescue Farah from the place where she lives with her son, Tahir needs the help of a surprise name to get the image that Behnam keeps in the safe. Farah has no intention of remaining unresponsive to Behnam, who is turning Kerimşah against Tahir. The arrival of the great-uncle Mahmoud Azadi from Iran changes all the balances. Not only Farah, but also the Azadi family is affected by this situation, and Behnam wants to prove to his uncle Mahmoud that he is in control. A bad surprise awaits Mehmet, who returns to his duty and takes action to find his brother. While Tahir, who is very close to getting the image back from the safe, encounters an unexpected situation, Farah is cornered by Behnam's wedding surprise. However, Farah and Tahir, who are strengthened by each other's love, have no intention of letting Behnam win this time.

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1 Novembre 2023
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