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2x5 - Noah's Island

The Butterfly House

Poster della serie Noah's Island

Wombat (Wommie), a new member of the island has made a didgeridoo and its strange sound is attracting butterflies from everywhere. When Reg discovers this strange instrument's talent he relieves Wombat of it and takes up butterfly collecting. He soon discovers that Noah's Island is about to pass an uninhabited island which is likely to be a great chance to hunt down some new specimens to add to his collection. After tricking Rhino into adjusting the firebowl valve, Reg swims ashore, with Sacha and Noah in hot pursuit of him. The trio shortly discover that the only indigenous life on this island is a formidable, meat eating plant that seems to cover most of the island floor. Sacha is the first to fall victim to these evil plants' dinner plate but Noah comes swiftly to the rescue, swinging from the trees above in a Tarzan re-enactment to rescue his little friend. The other animals soon realise that the three are missing and turn back to the island and rescue them.

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2 Ottobre 1998
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