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2x6 - Space Brothers

An Engineer's Switch

Poster della serie Space Brothers

As Azuma makes his way towards the moon, Mutta's team works on testing the rover, learning of what flaws they need to fix. The team consider following another team's example and going with a glider instead of a ground rover, but Pico points out that the wind would cause issues with that plan. Using his engineer insight on how to overcome their obstacles, Mutta suggests that they make the rover's tires out of sponge, so they can have larger tires that still fit inside the rocket whilst also reducing costs and providing shock absorption. Impressed by this idea, Pico decides to give the team advice on their parachute, encouraging them to think of the rover as a spaceship containing their comrades. With Mutta's ideas and Pico's advice, the team manage to put together a working rover complete with a functioning parachute. Later, as Mutta is invited by Pico for a drink, Vince takes him for a drive.

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11 Maggio 2013
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