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2x7 - Ballykissangel

Money, Money, Money

Poster della serie Ballykissangel

Kathleen's house goes up in flames and as she has no insurance the villagers start a collection, although Peter is hard pressed to find any money, given Father Mac's constant demands on his income. When the collection falls a long way short Siobhan suggests betting on a dog race to boost the total. Brian is told about a scam at the race by an old acquaintance. The amount of money he stands to win is irresistible. Peter receives some information during confession, and the money is placed on the wrong dog. Brian has also been tricked. The villager's last resort is a poker tournament. It's a big gamble, but the only way to get the money back. Brian's adversary, Mossy Phelan, plays in the tournament and Siobhan represents the village and after a long night only Siobhan and Mossy are left and Brian saves the day by throwing in a cheque allowing Siobhan to win. Kathleen returns to her restored house, but despite the huge efforts by the village she remains convinced that Father Mac paid for i

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16 Febbraio 1997
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