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2x9 - Lincoln Heights

Out With a Bang

Poster della serie Lincoln Heights

Shots ring out. A body falls. Tempers flare. And Eddie is there to watch it all. Will he rat on an officer he thinks fired too quickly? His "brothers" on the force think he will, so they're threatening Eddie and Lund -- even Jenn -- if Eddie talks. Will Eddie do what's right, or what's convenient? Where do principles end and protecting your family begin? Lizzie may be young, but she faces the same questions. Her heart's as big as the universe, but she faces the same questions. Her heart's as big as the universe, but breaking every rule to help her kidnapper has put her in a place she should have never gone. Charles and Cassie enter new territory too: When his mother won't throw out his stepfather, Charles leaves home for good, and Sage is only too happy to keep him company. Casse steps in to try to bring him back, but this time it's too late.

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30 Ottobre 2007
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