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21x29 - EastEnders

February 21, 2005

Poster della serie EastEnders

It's the day after the night before and Chrissie, Sam and Zoë are struggling to maintain normality. The girls hide their bloodstained clothes whilst Sam hides the murder weapon. They are thrown into panic when they see the police drive into Albert Square. Sam worries when the police arrive to speak to her, and assumes the worst. But they deliver the news of Andy's death. His body has been found at the bottom of a bridge. When Sam is asked about her whereabouts the previous evening, she falters and cannot make up an excuse. Zoë, having seen the cars, rushes to the Vic to find out what is going on. She is relieved when she hears that they are investigating Andy's death. As news of Andy's death spreads, the residents of Walford have mixed opinions on it. Whilst Patrick is over the moon, Pat questions whether she could have done anything to save him. When Danny finds out Andy was killed he worries that he could be next. He reveals to Alfie about how he was involved and that he could be dea

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21 Febbraio 2005
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