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21x58 - EastEnders

April 14, 2005

Poster della serie EastEnders

Johnny is furious with Pat for renting a room to Tina, and clears out Tina's flat. Demanding to talk to Tina, he tells her about Ruby and her sleepwalking and how he can't have his two worlds colliding. Minty is still convinced Mo is after him. Garry, at Minty's behest, persuades Mo not to bring any more food over for them. She agrees, but her interest is piqued when she hears that Minty and Garry are planning a night in with curry and beer. Stacey is funding it hard without any wages. She goes to Patrick and Yolande and begs for her job back. She is shocked when they agree to let her come back. Also, Stacey tries to talk Ruby out of going to the psychologist but she says she has to for her dad. With Demi still refusing to let Keith look after Aleesha, Rosie takes her to work with her. Keith confronts her when she gets home and she is forced to reveal the truth. Keith meets Demi at the bus stop and she realises he knows what has been happening. He makes a promise to her that Aleesha wi

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14 Aprile 2005
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