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21x64 - EastEnders

April 25, 2005

Poster della serie EastEnders

Ruby's gutted when Danny is unable to drive her to school after getting a puncture in his tyre. Trying to help her friend, Stacey encourages Ruby to pretend she's ill so that she can call Danny and ask him to pick her up from school. All goes to plan until Danny realises what Ruby is up to. He lets her down gently but Ruby is mortified thinking her life is over because she's been rejected. Both Alfie and Little Mo try and find out about each other's relationships. Garry and Minty ask Alfie to go speed-dating with them and he reluctantly agrees when Little Mo, sacrificing herself, tells him it's a good idea. Dot pesters Jim to get rid of the car however, many of her friends are envious of their freedom with their car which helps Dot make a decision – she is going to learn how to drive. Johnny tries to make up with Tina but she doesn't want to listen. Pat suggests that he is using Ruby as an excuse not to commit with her and Tina confront Johnny about it. She wonders if he is scared abou

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25 Aprile 2005
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