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21x76 - EastEnders

May 16, 2005

Poster della serie EastEnders

Looking for support, Pauline asks Derek to talk to Martin, but he doesn't want to get involved. However, when Pauline later spots the pair deep in conversation, she assumes Derek's fighting her corner. Pat informs Johnny that Tina has gone and gives him advice on how to communicate with Ruby. Johnny goes home and talks to Ruby about when she was born. Johnny explains to Ruby about how he got closer to Scarlet and not so much to her. He then shows her a photo he's kept of her as a baby, proving that he didn't love Scarlet more. Ruby hugs him and they both cry. Martin and Sonia call round to Pauline's. They assert that they're not going to change their minds about Chloe. Pauline's miffed when they let slip that Derek supports their decision. When Derek returns home, she orders him to move out of her house. Alfie arranges an evening in with Little Mo and they decide to watch a film together. Nana guesses that Alfie has a lady friend coming over when he arranges for her to go out. But thin

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16 Maggio 2005
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