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26x7 - House Hunters International

Lending A Hand in La Antigua, Guatemala

Poster della serie House Hunters International

The Crists feel at home on their Harrisburg farm but a chance to make a difference is taking this diverse family to the colonial city of La Antigua, Guatemala. They initially came to Guatemala during the adoption of their first son and became attached to Antigua's local orphanage. Now they're moving down full-time to work with the orphanage and start a school for girls, while immersing their six kids in Latin American culture. But the only thing that can match Antigua's vibrant traditions is the vibrant housing market. And their dreams of living in the heart of the city might not be realized on their $250,000 budget. Real Estate Agent Glenn Wilson is spearheading the hunt - he knows they'll have to stretch their budget - and stretch their search outside of Antigua - to get the right fit. But how far are the Crists willing to go? And how far out of the city are they willing to live? Find out when House Hunters discovers La Antigua, Guatemala.

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1 Settembre 2011
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