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27x164 - Neighbours

Episode 6234

Poster della serie Neighbours

Tash seems different since her accident. She almost seems … reasonable. She’s still not keen on boarding school, but she’s started to see it in a different light. Michael notices, and to her surprise he tells her to stay. She seems genuinely determined to make things better – but is that Michael’s motive? At the garage, Lucas is having technical difficulties. He needs some bits and pieces fixed, but Elle – who still owns the garage – is off the radar, and Paul won’t give him an inch in her absence. Is there an easier solution? Why yes, there IS an easier solution! Elle has a surprise for Lucas, and if he plays his cards right it could be the start of something exciting for him. Noah’s feelings for Kate are bubbling away nicely under the surface, and she’s still clueless. He doesn’t really need history tutoring, Kate! Feeling responsible for Noah’s isolation at school, Kate asks Summer to partner with him for a presentation. Oh no! Summer is really bookish, and Noah is arty and kooky! This will never work! It does seem to help with Noah’s plan to get up close and personal with Kate, though. Surely she’s not interested …

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25 Agosto 2011
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