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3x1 - V.I.P.


Poster della serie V.I.P.

Val is selected to be a contestant on ""Danger Island"", a new reality show where six people have to survive on a deserted island in order to win two million dollars, but when a contestant is killed on the pilot episode V.I.P. are called in to investigate. Jeff Groom, a network executive, says that since the island is already pre-rigged with camera's they only send along two crew guys with digi-cams and the show's producer so Quick volunteers himself and Nikki. Once on the island however two contestant and the show's producer are killed and another contestant has his brains fried from the inside but he manages to survive. After Quick mentions one of the weapons used by the killer Kay hacks into some military files and discovers that the killer is a Major Ving Talbot, an army weapons designer who is believed dead, who claims that the army prematurely tested his prototypes and on their own men as well. Tasha and Johnny drop in to help and a battle with Talbot ensues. He decides to reveal h

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7 Ottobre 2000
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