Pagina dell'episodio'

3x1 - The Twelve Kingdoms

A Great Distance in the Wind, the Sky at Dawn - Chapter One

Poster della serie The Twelve Kingdoms

The episode opens with a girl named Suzu being escorted to a new family to live with. A storm begins and Suzu slips down a hill into a raging river.. When she awoke she was in the world of the Twelve Kingdoms. Not being able to understand the lanquage.. She was forced into slavery. One day while performing a show for a high ranking woman.. She noticed this woman spoke her lanquage. She begged her to take her with her and that she would do anything. The woman's name was Riyou and she accepted her but with a evil look on her face. Riyou takes her to palace and makes her an official senin, which means she cannot age and will be able to speak the lanquage. She puts her to work and it is then that Suzu realizes she made a poor choice by coming here. In a different kingdom we meet a girl who is the daughter of a king. Her name was Shoukei. Her father has been killing people for petty reasons. Enraged, the lord of Kei attacked the palace and killed Shoukei's mother and father right before her

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29 Ottobre 2002
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