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3x11 - Undressed

Episode 311

Poster della serie Undressed

Sara/Michael written by Katy Ballard, directed by Tim Andrew Sara teaches to Michael that their is a romantic side, and not always sex. While teaching him, they get too caught up, and they passionately kiss each other. Michael wants to see more of Sara, and she lets him. She is down to her underwear as Michael just stares at her (not in a freakish sort of way.) and that's when Kimmy opens the door, and sees what is going on. Sara leaves, but Michael tries to stop her. Kimmy tells Michael, it's okay because his real tutor is here. Jake/Ben/Lauren written by Dave Holden & Damon Lindelof, directed by Danny Salles Ben still manipulates Jake and Lauren. Ben has sex with Lauren, and she leaves to write his paper. That's when Jake comes over, wanting to explore Ben. But Ben interrupts him and reminds him about the paper he has to write, and Jake tells him he'll write it. Lauren then opens the door to find the two in the underwear and storms off. Jake and Lauren fight over Ben, and t

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26 Luglio 2000
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