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3x12 - The Twelve Kingdoms

A Great Distance In The Wind, The Sky At Dawn - Chapter Eleven

Poster della serie The Twelve Kingdoms

Youko defeats all the guards chasing her, and they run away. Shoukou sends Asano with his men to visit the house Youko's been staying at. Shoukei gets hidden at a house in town by her new friend who saved her. In exchange for staying she does all his dishes for him. He discusses with her about how Shoukou runs this area and often goes to ""hunt"" people. Enraged, she wonders why Queen Kei allows such a man to run this area. Elsewhere, Koshou is explaining the ways of their group to Suzu. Suzu seems determined to make Queen Kei pay... Youko goes to the groups inn and talks to Suzu. Suzu explains why she hates Queen Kei. Youko, still using the alias, is upset that her people think this way of her and leaves. Shoukou's men storm Enho's house. Asano sees the boy, Kei Kei, and feaks out. Thinking it's Seishou, he shoots the boy. Confused about what he just did, the men kill her mother and leave with Enho as their hostage. Just then Youko and Keiki return there. Keiki smells blood so Youko che

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28 Gennaio 2003
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