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3x16 - Phi Brain: Puzzle of God

The Journey is Over

Poster della serie Phi Brain: Puzzle of God

Kaito and the others arrive at Raetsel and Jin's location, where Kaito and Nonoha decide to speak with Raetsel privately, telling her what they learned from Enigma. Raetsel states she had apparently figured everything out herself, telling Kaito that Jin's memories will return if they face off against each other by a 'Killing Colloseum' puzzle that he and Raetsel made together. The puzzle soon begins, in which they must try and reach an exit before their opponent whilst avoiding deadly boulders. Although Kaito tries to get the puzzle to end in a draw so they can both escape safely, Enigma suddenly appears and brings Jin to the center of the puzzle. As Kaito and Raetsel rush to his aid, Jin regains his memories, allowing him to lead the two safely out of the puzzle via an escape route he had built. However, upon exiting the puzzle, they discover that Jin has been possessed by someone calling himself the Phi Brain, Orpheus.

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19 Gennaio 2014
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