Pagina dell'episodio'

3x2 - Alias Smith and Jones

High Lonesome Country

Poster della serie Alias Smith and Jones

The boys are hired by a ranch owner as trappers, but when they meet his wife, she recognizes the Kid. The ranch owner and his wife tries to act natural, and sends Heyes and the Kid out into the hills trapping. But they also send a professional hunter after them. Heyes and the Kid are attacked by the hunter, and Heyes is wounded. The Kid manages to out-maneuver the hunter by himself, and they tie him up, leaving him in the woods for the ranch owner to pick up. Before they leave, the hunter tells them that he was sent by the rancher. This makes Heyes and the Kid go visit the ranch, where they decide to take the rancher and his wife as human shields while they ride to the nearest rail road. But on the way there, they are ambushed and pinned down behind a rock in the middle of nowhere by the hunter and his sharpshooting rifle. It's only a matter of time before he shifts position and makes the kill...

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23 Settembre 1972
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