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3x2 - Superb Song of the Valkyries: Symphogear

Before I Destroy the World

Poster della serie Superb Song of the Valkyries: Symphogear

As Hibiki tries to reason with Carol, refusing to don her Symphogear, Chris comes into contact with another Autoscorer, Leiur Darahim. When a second enemy attacks, Chris is able to escape harm thanks to a girl named Elfnein, who reveals she comes from a world of alchemy. Meanwhile, Carol tells Hibiki that destroying the world is task given to her before retreating, leaving Hibiki shocked with thoughts of her own father before passing out. Meanwhile, as Tsubasa and Maria attempt to flee from Phara, Maria suspects that Tsubasa is the one being targeted, lamenting how she herself has been forced by the government to pretend to be an agent. Both Tsubasa and Chris are soon put into a pinch when their opponents summon Alca-Noise, a new breed of Noise that has the power to destroy their Symphogear armor.

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11 Luglio 2015
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