Pagina dell'episodio'

3x24 - Phi Brain: Puzzle of God

Even If Something's Missing

Poster della serie Phi Brain: Puzzle of God

As Kaito and Raetsel are shown their pasts, which change based on their hearts' desires, they overlap, showing a vision of Kaito joining Jin and Raetsel on their journey. Upon reaching a point where Jin chooses to leave Raetsel behind and take Kaito with him, Raetsel feels dissatisfied and attempts to change the result, repeating the same loop over upon Jin telling her she is 'missing something', until she chooses to reject the memory altogether and end up in a fabricated world where she never met Jin. In this world, she comes across a brooding Kaito and takes an interest in puzzles, until he one day goes missing. After learning from an encounter with Ana that everyone is 'missing something' in some way, she comes to realise that even if she is lacking something, she is still able to have fun, managing to break free from the fake world and rejoins Kaito. Kaito explains he was able to find Raetsel by taking a path he would never take in the real world, a world where he never went with Jin and learned to love puzzles, where he grew to understand Raetsel's feelings. Just then, Orpheus decides to stir things up, separating Kaito and Raetsel.

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16 Marzo 2014
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